Because of its large growing agricultural industry, many of the particulate matters are released from vehicles used in agriculture and agriculture practices, such as burning off field.

flat valley surrounded by mountains, particulate matters produced from industry and manufacture can get trapped easily ( Grantz, 137). San Joaquin Valley is one of the well known California air pollution centers with similar geography as Los Angeles, i.e.

Finally become a bad cycle, which can worsen the quality of the air in the Los Angeles area through decades.The chart and graph below shows the growth in Registered Vehicles: Factories immoderately output tens of black smog into the air registered vehicles, particularly at 40s of the 20 th century had developed into more than 2 millions runs on the road in Los Angeles area, and for more, this numbers have doubled in less than a decade, which means that the output of tail gases also have been doubled products been produced and been consume in frequently because of the large population, leads industry to produce more, and more and more harmful gases have been blow into the air. The economy, technology, culture, population had gone through a quick growth. Factories had been heavily built in this area people immigrants into this area from all over the world. Since the beginning of the Industrial revolution, Los Angeles began accelerating its industrialization.
Three zip codes in Los Angeles alone are among the top 10 most polluted in the entire state of California. This darker parts of the map indicate areas with more pollution (in ppm) than others. The image below shows the amount of air pollution across Southern California. Sadly, the effects of air pollution extends beyond the city of Los Angeles and exists in many parts across the globe including the San Joaquin Valley and Fairbanks, Alaska which will be discussed later in this blog post. These chemical reactions take place multiple times a day and will continue to do so as long as there is a constant source of pollution from motor vehicles. This visible layer of smog over Los Angeles is a result of the Nitrogen Oxides and Hydrocarbons from Automobile exhaust reacting with the oxygen in the atmosphere in combination with the Sun’s solar energy (Berg page 201-202). This visual effect has been ongoing since the 1940s and is attributed to a phenomenon known as photochemical smog (Berg, page 201). Over Time, Los Angeles has garnered a bad reputation as having one of the most visible effects of air pollution in the world. Location The Primary location that this blog will focus on is in the City of Los Angeles.